G.O.O.B. page 30

bravo1102 on Dec. 9, 2018

“Talking like you're from earth” and “Don't be an earther” are insults among humans in populated space. It generally means being ignorant or just not thinking. Earthers are the epitome of backwards, ignorant and primitive and that's how they feel about open minded progressives. Mention an American conservative and an Aordian will just start laughing. “Don't be such an earther!”

The humans that populate space are the descendants of colonizers from a previous human civilization our distant past. They've been out there for thousands of years so their understanding and attitudes on a range of things are different from ours. See my comic Tales of SIG and Battle of the Robofemoids for more information.

It's all one big universe. This story is a sort of prequel to one planned for Tales of SIG so the Security Intelligence Group and Star Fleet will get a chance at dealing with a GOOB as well.