Months since your last update, I find this randomly on the random section of DrunkDuck. I certain hope you intend to continue this - it's wonderfully charming, well-drawn and stylized, excellently coloured, and very animated. At the very lest I'm favouriting this in case you ever update this. If not, I will keep it in my favourites and go back to it when I'm lacking in energy or want to look at something put together tremendously well.
dooomba at 3:20PM, March 17, 2011
i love where this is heading please tell me that there will be more updates.
Lunachrist at 8:06PM, Dec. 15, 2010
Months since your last update, I find this randomly on the random section of DrunkDuck. I certain hope you intend to continue this - it's wonderfully charming, well-drawn and stylized, excellently coloured, and very animated. At the very lest I'm favouriting this in case you ever update this. If not, I will keep it in my favourites and go back to it when I'm lacking in energy or want to look at something put together tremendously well.