Michael_Ramsey on Jan. 20, 2016
So it's probably been apperant that I'm not being very consisten lately. Part of that lies in the fact I've just been very frustrated and unfulfilled in my work and at the end of the day, I sit down to draw, I know what I want to happen… and I just can't draw it. I'll waste stacks of paper redrawing the same thing and it looks like the garbage I posted for my last update, and though I know the story needs to continue, I feel like I can't just post bad art when I've already done better. Art-block or something.
I've been sketching a lot, trying to force myself to be more productive but unfortunately a lot of stuff is just falling apart in my life right now. I know it shouldn't be a big deal but I'm not the kind of person who can deal with things. Like, at all. The most minor inconveniences shut me down and now, well, you read the comic.
I sign the papers probably tomorrow, but I'm moving out of my parents house and I've never lived on my own before. This means one of two things is going to happen- either I'm going to finally be free of the weight of all the distractions and frustrations of my home, and thus be more productive, or I will achieve jack shit and self-destruct.
Hopefully the former. In which case, look forward to updates again.
lothar at 7:44PM, Jan. 24, 2019
Hope everything works out for you. I myself went through a rather long rough patch of self doubt and introspection ... But now i feel better
tupapayon at 1:38PM, Jan. 20, 2016
First things first... find someone to slap you from time to time... it works for me...