001: Inceputul

evergreen on March 25, 2009

Welcome to the first installment of Blue Wraith!

For a few years now I've been wanting to get back to the roots of my love for comic books and the reasons why I fell in love with comics in the first place. Here's kind of my mission statement:

First and foremost, I want to tell a good ol' fashioned super-hero story, like the kind I read when I started reading comic books.

Second, I want to make it accessible to everyone, not dumbed down or too mature in theme, but somewhere right in the middle. Only time will tell if I succeed in that.

Third, I eventually will introduce more characters to give this universe more depth and variety.

Fourth, barring the apocalypse, broken hands, or death by firing squad, this comic strip will come out every week. Period.

Fifth, I just want to have fun.