Ok, sorry about lack of comics. I'll be submitting my first arc soon..and let's just say it gets wacky. Soo..for those who felt cheated by My Fair Mandy in Billy and Mandy..I drew the shot.
Once again, I discover an older comic that actually looks like it has a lot of promise: the art style is appealing (and surprisingly well done for digital art in the late 2000s), and the characters have really interesting and engaging interactions with each other . . . but alas, it appears this comic had been abandoned before it really had the chance to take off.
J_Scarbrough at 8:45AM, Nov. 16, 2023
Once again, I discover an older comic that actually looks like it has a lot of promise: the art style is appealing (and surprisingly well done for digital art in the late 2000s), and the characters have really interesting and engaging interactions with each other . . . but alas, it appears this comic had been abandoned before it really had the chance to take off.
Darksideofthemoon at 1:19PM, May 24, 2009
I miss this comic
darkwaterfrey at 10:07AM, April 28, 2009
great comics! I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Skip at 5:08PM, April 12, 2009
Hi I have now joined DrunkDuck!! Hi Zobe!
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 1:49PM, Feb. 13, 2009
xaxelx at 2:39PM, Jan. 23, 2009
You drew this? LOL.
warefish at 3:40AM, Jan. 23, 2009