Ch 2 Page 2
ZoeStead on Dec. 18, 2006
And that's as far as I got…
If anyone is actually interested in taking this over…I have a script if you have art time…and I have never done a colaboration before.
Interested? Give me an email @
aqua 77 at 12:14PM, Aug. 10, 2010
if nothing else i would enjoy just reading the scripts.
Shewolf2 at 4:25AM, Nov. 2, 2007
I really, really like this story! Why the heck can't I draw? T_T
salasvexx at 10:48AM, Oct. 21, 2007
SEARCH- LOL, I get it..... the door(Funny)I like your art, but good luck finding a second man(uh person) for your comic. GUILTY- I agree with you when you say no one should take themselves too serious, I have been guilty of that.
trevoramueller at 1:32PM, Oct. 16, 2007
Looking at just the last panel, taken out of context, that has to be one of the funniest lines ever. EVER. :D
Plush Kitten at 3:56AM, Oct. 6, 2007 much script do you have written?
JoyfulOrb at 9:28AM, Sept. 25, 2007
I'm looking forward to someone continuing this storyline... I can't draw. Dammit.
Red Slayer at 3:58PM, Feb. 12, 2007
Lol! Door fetish.
omega5ooo at 5:44AM, Jan. 29, 2007
Haha, thanks for your comment on my comic! I have to say, I personally haven't been up to date with your work either! After that whole big DD crash I just completely forgot about most comics on here and haven't really spent a lot of time here when it returned either... Anyways, I'm sad to see you decided to discontinue Broken Solace, it was my favourite comic of yours. I just loved the dark mood and the modern-day setting. Oh well, at least I have quite a lot of new pages to read through. :)
PinkBunny at 9:16PM, Jan. 18, 2007
Actually, the artwork may not be up to par with your normal stuff, but it's a lot better than you think. XD I'd LOVE to do the comic but...Gah! I akready have two comics T.T even with the supposedly "easy" sprite comic I'm always late updating. Plus I have three other Ideas of my own. and yet........O.O it'd be such a shame to drop such an awesome story. ah! So conflicted!
Darwin at 5:16AM, Jan. 17, 2007
Snicker! It sure is fun to read the comments before making my own! This is an interesting take...I can't wait to see what you do with this. Hmmm...collaboration on a webcomic....hmmmm... Is sorely tempted to take up the call...
ZoeStead at 2:55AM, Jan. 14, 2007
No offence in any comments about my own artwork are usually humerous! It's good for someone not to take themselves too seriously lol! And some of BS isn't as dark as all that- a bit of humour goes a long way! Glad you liked it, maybe one day I'll carry it on! Zoe x
gggggggghhhhhhhh55 at 4:51PM, Jan. 12, 2007
Nicely drawn and, of course, it's just plain awesome. Hopefully I won't offend when I say this, but it made me laugh out loud on a couple of parts. XD Some of the lines like...after I read your comment about the last panel...I started cracking up. And for some reason...that strawberry jam comment made me almost choke when I laughed. =D usual...I have a great looming cloud of envy floating over my head as I stare at your artwork. XD
ZoeStead at 7:56AM, Jan. 8, 2007
No problem hon, although seeing you draw my comics would send me into a 'pleasure fit' TM. So long as I keep practicing I may get better enough to redraw it and stuff. Have you seen my latest work in photoshop?!!!
Ozoneocean at 7:50AM, Jan. 8, 2007
Hehehe, unintentionally sexy? Ha! Good to see you're posting it up here Zoz! Finally. ^_^ I would help, but I can't even manage [i]two[/i] comics let alone [i]three[/i]! :(
Nigellashade at 11:39PM, Dec. 20, 2006
O.O You updated this story, it's been so long. Glad you had time to post more pages of this story. You Rock Zoe.. ^ O ^ Awesome drawings as always,, ^^ You sure improved your technique, Greatly Professional.. Your skills are worth a form to be envied.. Lot's hugs Zoe, I Love your vampiric stories.. ~M~ v~~~~v
ZoeStead at 8:38AM, Dec. 19, 2006
Oh yeah...and that last line...hmmm yeah...ok...errr...right... I don't think he meant it like THAT.