Issue 1: High Voltage featuring Shockwire - Part 1 of 2
spacehamster on Aug. 3, 2007
Someone on Comicspace pointed out that Skulhedd's silhouette in the last panel here looks an awful lot like Robot in Invincible… which, incidentially, was originally going to be called Bulletproof and features a character with that name. Now I didn't know about the title, so that wasn't intentional, but I'll be the first to admit that I read Invincible and love it, so if that influence shows through in Bulletproof - I'm not intentionally swiping from Kirkman, but he certainly writes what I consider a fine example of how straight-up superhero stuff can still work today.
Ryze N Shyne Comics at 8:08AM, July 30, 2008
I really enjoyed your comic
Kenz Lee at 2:40PM, March 19, 2008
Really cool comic!
HalJones at 1:35PM, Dec. 2, 2007
Very nice!
marine at 2:17AM, Aug. 16, 2007
Thats blatantly the robot from Invincible. Either a nice homage or cameo, or complete unoriginal thievery...
kosmixbook at 1:55PM, Aug. 7, 2007
Incredible stuff! Thanks for checking out The Kosmix. Hearing such positive praise about my art from a very incredible artist like yourself, really means alot!