
Amelius on Aug. 4, 2008

Hurray everyone, our book is definitely coming out in September, so if you want to preorder Night School you can go down to your local comic place and order it! If you're not reading Night School right now, hey what's the hold up? It's gettin' to the really fun parts! HEREis a link! It will mean very good things for Charby if this does well. Also, thank you so much everyone who has been helping out the past few weeks. Keep an eye out everyone, I might update again this week. I'm going to try and mass-produce the rest of this story arc so I can move on to better things in this comic. No, I'm not gonna throw quality out the window, I'm just going to buckle down and get these things out. I know I'm already pretty hard to contact sometimes, but after this arc things might change, I'm just dedicating a lot of time to getting these done. And please, do not ask to have a last minute cameo…I had those closed for almost a year now, at this point I'm still trying to find spots for the people who had already signed up, as well as a few that I just wanted to do out of kindness. I'm finding that the cameos really made it hard to do layout since I don't want to cover them up and I feel guilty leaving them out when I update, so I intend to finish the official list of people who had signed up for it in the forum so I can just be done with this and move on. Please do not be upset if you had a cameo in waiting, it has just become too much for me at this point. I'll try to make it up to you of course.

Our cameo today however is Wendy from the comic Cwen's Quest, which is written by Nick and illustrated by SarahN of Vampire Phantasm fame. Go check them out, the are both awesome, I mean it!

Another link before I finish something I'm gonna put in here:
Don't go there and just vote for me though, I want to see other deserving comics get some notice this year.