Well, How Did I Get Here?

Amelius on April 18, 2023

I think she finally heard that one, but message is too vague!
Future-Past Zeno has always been struggling to stay in this plane of existence, didn't expect to experience his own weapon's special ability from the losing side though.

Okay! This page took a long time! Because it felt like my ribs were exploding, and I was sleep-deprived by pain. I was in a bad place for a bit mentally thanks to that. It may have just been stress + prawn posture again causing the pain, because I sure as hell didn't do anything violent to cause injury to myself. I'm feeling better now though, much much better. (Relaxing and taking it easy is the exact opposite of how I handled it– going on long walks was the only thing that made me feel better!)
Hope the page is entertaining though, it's colorful to say the least! I know it's a little chaotic, but that was kind of what I was going for.