Untitled - Goomba Army
lcas on June 27, 2006
Originally, in the first panel I was going to have Mario saying, “Well, I finally got out of that egg”, but the comic I made before this got deleted, so you wouldn't know how he got in the egg, and it wouldn't make sense, just like this sentence or Barney.
I dunno if you noticed, but we now update m/w/f instead of daily.
And, oh yes. New link, to a new comic I started, Berri and Cherri.
LowResAtari at 1:55PM, July 26, 2006
No open mouths.... why?
Nintendude at 8:58PM, July 25, 2006
Yay have pie to celebrate.
lcas at 4:58PM, July 18, 2006