- Wolfie Makes an Appearance in Times Like This!
- Wolfie by Mark Appleyard
- Felix by Countess Lainy
- Connie by Twilight-Red-Tammy
- Felix Plush!
- Compozerz Lineup By Fac-agentc
- Compozerz in CoUnTeSsLaInY's Style!
- Felix as a Star Trek Guy
- Felix and Connie by Skolli
- Joe's Apartment by Ringoko
- Connie by Flup!
- Felix the Cat
- THE WOLF by Pit-Face
- Freddie by Felinestare
- Wolfie Meets Wolferl
- Connie and the Compozerz by Frostyhut
- Beethoven as a Dog
- Freddie Vs. Jason
- Remidi Style Compz
- Freddie and Ryan
- Compozerz by kai2924
- Felix and His Dog
- Felix by Nandemo
- Felix and Connie in AROTD
- Joe in Pugnuggle Tales
Joe in Pugnuggle Tales
antcomics on July 16, 2008
The very first Compozerz cameo! Joe appears in panel 7 of this great Pugnuggle Tales Page! Pugnuggle Tales is by the totally awesome HarryQ, and is one of the finest comics on the Duck:http://www.drunkduck.com/Pugnuggle_Tales
harryq at 10:03AM, July 19, 2008
Ohmigawsh! I didn't know I was first! I'm late for everything lately! I got such a kick out of doing your characters, couldja' tell? You're the best, Amy!
Cross at 1:34PM, July 17, 2008
I really like the coloring on this page.