Chapter 2, Page 20

alschroeder on May 29, 2011

Well this page was a blast to draw… I don't think I really knew what I was taking on when I volunteered for it. The challenge was to draw a whole lotta Jenny Everywheres and make 'em look like they came from different realities when I personally have only one style for drawing Jenny (ie. as depicted above!) This is where a wonderful resource like the Shifter Archive come in so handy. The “alternate” Jennys shown in today's page can all be found in the Archive - you might have some fun trying to track down which ones have been cameoed. My regards to the original artists of those Jenny images which I referenced.

Also, no appearance of Jenny Everywhere would be complete without saying… “The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.”

As for our Ganger gallery, I think you'll find that all those who have appeared in the story to date are shown (except poor old Esteban Frio who shuffled off the mortal coil in Chapter 1)… plus there are few more who haven't been seen… yet. See if you can work out who is who!

A very special page for you on Thursday… see you then!