It is important that you understand.

dpat57 on June 29, 2018

Doctor Singh and Doctor Singh, and Mikey hiding in a locker.

Where we've got to: Back in the past, Dr. Singh flew the only transport away from the ziggurat, abandoning Kenzie, Reams and Vindor to their fate. He landed on a distant mountain peak and sent out a distress signal, claiming to be the only survivor of the terrible events that overtook the Chen Expedition. Meanwhile, in the future, in Time Patrol HQ, the hideously mutated Dr. Singh assumed his former human form (a trick of his awesomely powerful mind) and jumped through the time portal into the past, intending to change history. Mikey followed him just seconds later….

Check out my other comics on The Duck!

You Call That A Stick Figure Comic?
Forest Reckoning
Sword Princess Yukisaki II
Secret Agent: British Intelligence II
Starship Captain II
You Call That A Stick Figure Comic?
Captain Gold and the Robotrons

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Characters and locations designed in SketchUp
Snapshots taken using Screenhunter 6
Dialogue and effects added using Paint.NET
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