Gibbo's staying over # 6 pg 2
rayanz on Sept. 26, 2006
The second page of gibbo's staying over number 6 that means if ya havn't read the first page the go back and read it!!!
The dark skined guy with white hair is Balic, he's 100% ass hole so him being nice is just plan wrong XD
Brad and Balic are brothers and bestfriends
gibbo is © Kevin Gibson
the rest © ME! Isabelle cairns
Dockworker at 10:51PM, Feb. 5, 2007
and ROCK those anime expressions!
Dockworker at 10:50PM, Feb. 5, 2007
Hey I know Gibbo! damn, he pops up all over drunk duck!
Ninja_Jette at 9:07AM, Oct. 26, 2006
rayanz at 9:36AM, Oct. 12, 2006
thanks unionavenue i will :D
unionavenue at 8:25AM, Oct. 12, 2006
oh and good response, rayanz...draw whatever the hell ya want to draw. enjoy yourself, that's the important part.
unionavenue at 8:23AM, Oct. 12, 2006
nice work.
chappers at 2:01AM, Oct. 5, 2006
I was told to read these by Micheal and im glad i did, Good work. And they made me luagh. Chappers
rayanz at 10:24AM, Sept. 27, 2006
hyselt: haha i shade becasue i don't want to and i draw my characters like this because i feel like it, and i use over used anime expression because i like them
hysellt at 9:14AM, Sept. 27, 2006
It looks cool. But the character layout is a bit cliche' with overused anime expressions. It could also use some shading. But the layout of the comic and the way the characters setup is a bit more dynamic than some. So keep practicing. You're off to a good start.