Chapter 2- Page 13
waterdragon on Aug. 29, 2008
Just the next page. sorry for the three week wait. Kinda went on a hiatus. Things go busy. I was working with an organization working on 4 large murals and well, I was very tired and artted-out by the time I got home ):.
Three guesses on who that is at the bottom ;D.
I forgot to mention, but about half an hour passed :< Daryl made the cakes from mixes, thus why he finished them so quickly. Ahah D:.
Rach0207 at 1:10AM, July 26, 2010
Really good! :)
mackie at 6:07AM, June 19, 2010
love the comic so far! can't wait for updates!
Mikolai515 at 1:53PM, Dec. 17, 2009
really like this so far. hope theres going to b some updates in the future; i would like to read more!
I Took This Name at 8:36PM, Aug. 30, 2008
Uh...all the cheesecakes just look like cheese to me. wheels of cheese. I'm kind of tired. Oh I like Alessio's face though.
riyuandpanja at 4:47PM, Aug. 30, 2008
awesome. I can't wait to see more.