demon’s Mirror-page 346!
harrodeleted on Sept. 10, 2015
The End of Demons Mirror.
Thank you so much for reading! Ive loved making this comic, and learned a ton during it-
And Ive started a new comic! its at
I plan on making it use everything Ive learned here, and Im really excited about where the story will go!
Again, thank you so much,
bamnbamn at 1:37PM, Sept. 25, 2015
Very nice comic. Good story, great illustrations. thanks
Stellar at 11:26PM, Sept. 11, 2015
This was phenomenal.
Hufner at 10:08AM, Sept. 11, 2015
Thanks for the comic. I've really enjoyed it!
harrodeleted at 7:08AM, Sept. 11, 2015
Thanks guys! I've loved reading the comments here, always gave me a little extra insight into the page-! :DD
KimLuster at 8:39PM, Sept. 10, 2015
*Standing Ovation Time!* Fantastic Comic!! Thanks so much for giving it to us!!
fallopiancrusader at 6:48PM, Sept. 10, 2015
Thank you for an amazing comic! It was an epic journey.