Air of Mystery (Part 3)
DetectiveFork on Nov. 13, 2020
Kevin Burton Smith and The Thrilling Detective website have always been an incredible supporter of this comic, steadfastly tracking the scattered adventures of Detective Fork and maintaining a page for him even when he disappeared for several years. Check out Detective Fork's entry here!
magicalmisfits at 10:11AM, Nov. 22, 2020
Nice to see you
DetectiveFork at 2:26AM, Nov. 24, 2020
Yay, great to see you, too, old friend!
Jason Moon at 10:49AM, Nov. 19, 2020
A trustful dame?
DetectiveFork at 2:26AM, Nov. 24, 2020
Are they ever? (Speaking of noir here. lol)
Peipei at 10:43PM, Nov. 16, 2020
This should be filled with some interesting moments to say the least!
DetectiveFork at 2:26AM, Nov. 24, 2020
I hope so. lol