- Heatwave
- Goodbyes Are Never Easy
- Traffic Jam
- Sunday Frenzy
- What a Game!
- It's Just Another Day At The Beach
- The Pitfalls of a Sports Fan
- Just Another PSA
- Serves You Right Blaze
- Words of Not So Wisdom
- Another Gloomy Day
- Labor Day 2024
- Welcome Home Blaze
- Heading Home From Comic Con
- Handle With Sarcasm
- Blaze Has Been Found
- Oh no!
- The International Goof in Paris - Pt 2
- The International Goof in Paris
- Debacle At The Olympics
- One Of Those Moments
- Generations
- Could It Be?
- The Women Have Spoken
- Animal Corner
- Circle of Speculation
- 4th of July 2024
- The Search is Almost Over
- Just Ridiculous
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 12
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 11
- 600th Episode
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 10
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 9 (Update)
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 8 (Now it's getting real)
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 7
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 6
- Memorial Day 2024
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 5
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 4
- The Search for Blaze - Pt 3
- Missing Pt 2 - The Search for Blaze
- Missing
- New Years 2024
- Twas The Blaze Before Christmas
- The Clueless Fool
- Blaze, You Did It Again
- The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
- Tis The Season To Be Surfing
- The Fog Bank
- Thanksgiving 2023
- Pathetic
- Not Again
- Jazz Man
- Mama Said....
- Humbled
- The Life and Times of Officer Blaze
- Halloween 2023
- Over The Edge
- Loss of Privileges
- Unscripted
- No Title
- It's Not a Lie
- What a Story
- Space Aces
- I Saw What I Saw
- Don't Mess With The Women
- Searching For Them Again
- A Reflection on Life
- Obviously
- Mid Life Uncertainty
- The Jobbers
- Blaze Has Gone Surfing
- The Lights Are On, But Blaze Isn't Home
- Labor Day 2023
- Blaze Can't Play Today
- Comic Strip Blaze
- The Forgotten DIckey
- Never P*** Off a Woman
- He's Back
- Can It Be?-Pt 3
- Can It Be?-Pt 2
- Can It Be?
- The Great Debate
- Play Time!
- Stu & Nicole's Weekend
- A Day At The Boardwalk
- Will The Real Blaze Please Stand Up
- It's Not Real
- No Not This
- Blaze Meet Blaze
- Scions and Reptiles
- Darth Done
- The Game Show
- Blaze Is Going Back In Time
- Father's Day 2023
- The Day Before Father's Day
- Blaze and HIs Tirade
- No Theme This Week
- Clueless Is Him
- Memorial Day 2023
- Party Favor
- Revenge Is Best Served By a Woman
- Oh Great
- The Accident
- The Happy Car
- A Gloomy Day At The Beach
- Just Another Wednesday
- Never Ending
- A Comic Oasis
- It's Playoff TIme!
- Just Another Day
- Blaze vs The Easter Bunny - Easter 2023
- Looking For Dilly
- Dilly's Fight
- Here's Mom!
- Blaze Where Are You?
- What Else Is New?
- End of The Night Blaze
- Late Night Blaze
- Dickey's Back
- Denise Snaps
- The Main Event
- Surfing Lessons
- The Blaze Aftermath
- The City Of Blaze
- The Blaze Zone
- The Day After Valentines Day
- Super Bowl 2023 - Pt 2
- Super Bowl 2023
- Let's Get Physical Blaze
- Talking To Blaze
- Conference Championship Sunday
- Blaze & The Comic Book Store
- A Clark Griswold Day At The Beach
- Animal Instinct
- Home At Last
- The Camping Trip - Pt 2
- The Camping Trip
- New Years 2023
- Christmas 2022
- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- An Odd Night At The Club
- Einstein
- A Day At The Game
- Tis' The Season For Blaze Follies
- Thanksgiving 2022
- Happy Birthday
- Carson City Road Trip
- The Great Football Feud
- The Fool Speaks
- Football Season 2022
- Uh....Ok?
- Here Comes Stupid
- A Santa Cruz Election Night
- The Day After Halloween
- Halloween 2022
- Blaze and Dickey Having Fun
- Another Santa Cruz Sunday
- Ooops!
- Brutal Honesty
- Wise Words From Dad
- Five Years of Dilly A Retrospect
- An Older Woman
- To Live and Let Live
- Not At Work Blaze
- Run To The Hills
- Welcome Home Boys
- Vegas Boys
- Dreams Can Come True
- Labor Day 2022
- Not a Happy Sarge
- El Poppo
- Don't Listen To Her Blaze
- Back From The Reunion
- That Moment When..........
- High School Reunion - Pt 3
- Seeing Is Believing Again
- High School Reunion - Pt 2
- Seeing Is Believing
- High School Reunion - Pt 1
- Reflection of Your Life
- Now We've Seen It All.......Again!
- Blaze Is Gonna Get It
- Blaze Is Getting Married
- We Will Never Mention This
- Burnt Out
- The Day After The 4th of July
- 4th of July 2022
- The Twilight Zone
- Everyone Loves Dickey
- The Big Question
- Father's Day 2022
- Another World
- The Death Valley Aftermath
- The Death Valley Prank
- Summer Time 2022
- What's In a Name?
- Memorial Day 2022
- Flashback
- Horror Fright Saturday Night
- The Illuminati
- The Radio Show Episode
- Blaze Can't Win
- Mother's Day 2022 (A day of Remembrance)
- A Night At The Beach
- The Odd Couple
- Issue 2
- Let's Go To The Comic Book Shop
- The Dukes Of Santa Cruz
- Intellects
- Blaze's Follies - Continued
- The Car Show
- When Things Go Right.....And Wrong
- Breaking News
- We All Have Problems
- The Re Encounter
- The Ladies Dickey
- Dickey Dingle & Blaze's Blind Date Fiasco
- Blaze's Blind Date - Pt 2
- Blaze's Blind Date
- Shut up Blaze
- The New Kid In Town
- It's Celebration Time!
- The Big Game - Super Bowl 2022
- In The News
- Don't Say It
- When You Have To Do It
- The NFC Championship Game
- Here We Go Again
- The Playoffs - The 400th Episode
- When Your Team Wins
- The Day After The Gig
- No Night at The Apollo
- The New Year and New Dilly
- Back In 2018
- Happy New Year 2022
- Christmas 2021
- Christmas Shenanigans
- The Holidays Are Rough
- Blaze and His Santa Self
- Tis The Season
- Annoyed Friends
- The Day After Thanksgiving 2021
- Happy Birthday Dilly!
- Thanksgiving 2021
- Is There Any Wisdom?
- Beach Bum
- The Mother & Son Duo
- Officer Blaze and The Foggy Incident
- In Passing
- Halloween 2021
- Oh Happy Day
- Goodbye Bianca
- You Forgot Me
- True Friends
- The Financial Genius
- A Battle of Wits
- Home Ward Bound
- Father and Son Night at The Disco
- Now We've Seen It All
- This Is Ridiculous
- Meet The Parents
- Back From The Air Races
- No, It Just Can't Be
- In Rememberance
- Scaredy Cat
- Labor Day 2021
- The Over Protective Mom
- Who Gave Blaze a Driver's License?
- The Red Head Effect - Pt 2
- The Red Head Effect
- They Don't Fit In
- He's No Stephen Hawking
- The Intellects
- Dilly Returns
- The Search For Dilly Has Concluded - Not Without Mishaps
- The Search For Dilly Has Begun.....Finally
- Rouge Dilly
- The Blind Leading The Blind
- The Middle of Nowhere - The 350th Episode
- Vicious Nicole
- Arizona & Dilly
- The Search Is On
- Nevada & Dilly
- 4th of July 2021
- Times Like These You Learn To Live Again
- People Aren't Strange......They're Just Jerks
- The Bianca & Blaze Story
- Sing Along With Dilly and Crew
- She Likes Who?!!
- Blaze and The Hot Air Balloon (Pt 2)
- Blaze and The Hot Air Balloon
- Officer Blaze Went Up The HIll
- Home Wrecker (Pt 2)
- Home Wrecker
- Race Day - Memorial Day Weekend 2021
- Blaze's New Car
- Here Comes Denise's Sister Pt 2
- The School of Hard Blaze
- Here Comes Denise's Sister
- The County Pest
- Attack of The 50 foot Mascot
- Cinco DeMayo 2021
- At The Disco
- Party Animal Blaze
- 2021 A Blaze Odyssey
- Hooray!! No Blaze!!
- Surf Shop Debacle
- Little Blaze In Slumberland
- We Are Here!
- The Gang Goes Into a Song
- Good Things Are Coming (Easter 2021)
- Writer's Block
- Girls Day Out
- The Day After St.Patrick's Day
- Computer Illiterate Blaze
- A Blaze of a St,Patrick's Day
- A Day At The Beach For Blaze
- De Ja Vu
- Back From Truckee
- The Dilly & Blaze Road Trip
- Dilly The Grumpy Old Man
- Internal Battles- Part 2 (Hey Blaze)
- Internal Battles- Part 1
- The Day After Valentines Day For Blaze
- Valentine's Day Hurts (Especially for Blaze)
- Jerked Around
- Superbowl 2021 (Wher's Blaze)?
- The Day After
- The 300th Episode.
- Nothing New (The Prelude to Episode 300)
- Blaze's Childhood Trauma
- The 14 Year Old Don Juan
- Blaze Crashes Dilly and Stu's Football Day.
- The Recurring Characters of Dilly
- Blaze's New Year's Resolution 2021
- Happy New Year 2021
- Merry Christmas 2020
- A Typical Day For Officer Blaze-2
- A Typical Day For Officer Blaze
- Oh Blaze
- Toke It on the Beach ( Playground Aftermath)
- Grammar School Cop
- Dilly's Birthday Party
- Never Take Blaze To The Movies
- Movie Anyone?
- Blaze Gets In a Fight
- Blaze and His Crew
- The Singing Blazes PSA
- Blaze Get's Transferred
- Halloween 2020
- The Double Standard
- Skate on Blaze!
- The Founder of Information
- The Band Of Dillys
- But Mom!
- Dilly's Homecoming
- Dilly's Reunion (Part 4) Blaze Gets Bounced
- Dilly's Reunion (Part 3)
- Dilly's Reunion (Part 2)
- Dilly's Reunion
- To Grandmother's House Blaze Goes
- Blaze The Clueless
- Stories of The Rock At The Beach (Narrated By The Rock At The Beach)
- The Little Drummer Boy
- The Painting
- The Labor Day Episode
- Dilly's Home
- Where's Dilly?-Part 3
- Where's Dilly?-Part 2
- Where's Dilly?
- Rainy Days & Mondays ( Doesn't Always Get Everybody Down )
- Dilly Can't Win For Nothing
- Peace and Quiet, or Not
- Walking Tall & Falling Down
- Successfully Unsuccessful
- Phelan Returns With Some News
- A lasting Impression
- Blaze Finds His Son ( Or So He Thought )
- The Crossroads of Life
- Blaze Gets The Shocking News (250th Episode)
- Sound Asleep
- It's a Cruel World Blaze
- WTH Dilly & Stu!
- 4th of July 2020 (The 4th of July episode)
- Escape From Officer Blaze
- Paulette Does a Demeaning Deed
- Dilly's Dad Visits - Part 2
- Dilly's Dad Visits - The Father's Day Episode
- What's Wrong Dilly?- Part 2
- What's Wrong Dilly?
- She's Gotta a Mean Streak
- Disaster at The Beach
- What Happens at The Surf Shop, Stays at The Surf Shop,
- What The Hell Blaze
- Who Is Paulette?
- Memorial Day 2020 (The Memorial Day Episode)
- Getting To Know Officer Blaze (Through The Eyes of Others) - Part 2
- Getting To Know Officer Blaze (Through The Eyes of Others)
- The Girls Watch Their Favorite Soap Opera
- Blaze & Paulette Go on a Date
- DIlly and Denise Stumble Onto a Secret
- Does Blaze Know What Day It Is?
- The Shocking News
- What's Eating Officer Blaze?
- A Lump on a Rock
- Officer Blaze Meets His Dream Girl
- WTF Blaze?!! (Part-2)
- Easter at The Beach
- WTF Blaze?!!
- Officer Blaze Goes To The Zoo
- The World According To Dilly & Stu
- The Invisible Blaze
- Blaze's Idol
- No Escape For Blaze
- Blazed Out Of His Pants
- Lost & Found
- If Blaze Only Had a Brain
- Oh No, It's Blaze"s Mom!
- The Supermarket Experiment
- Concert Time
- King of The Idiots
- Hero of The Stupid
- Allergic To Blaze
- Valentines Day Done Their Way (Valentines Day Episode)
- Blaze's Nightmare
- Dilly Comes To Blaze's Rescue - Part 2 (And Wonders Why)
- Dilly Comes To Blaze's Rescue - Part 1
- The Big Game
- After The Show at The Bar
- The Officer Blaze Follies (200th Episode)
- Payback Time
- Championship Sunday
- Can Dilly Come Out and Play?
- Dilly Gets His Answer From Beyond
- Karaoke Night - Blaze and His Singing Partner
- Dilly Has a Meltdown
- Dilly Faces Adversity
- Blaze Can't Win
- What In The Blaze?
- New Years Part 3 - New Years Day
- New Years Part 2 - Blaze Ruins The Party
- New Years Part 1 - Denise & Nicole Shop & Talk
- Christmas Part 5 - Merry Christmas
- Christmas Part 4 - The Clown's Epiphany
- Christmas Part 3 - A Blaze Christmas
- Christmas Part 2 - Why Do We Have To Cut a Tree?
- Christmas Part 1 - Never Argue With a Woman
- Blaze Didn't Take The News Well ( Or Did He?)
- A Public Service Announcement
- Don't Mess With a Clown
- Mother, I Don't Wanna Go To Work Today
- Nicole & Stu Makeup
- Escape To The Beach
- Mele At Thanksgiving (A Dysfunctional Day of Thanks)
- Time For Comic Con Blaze
- Dilly Invites Officer Blaze
- Denise Plans For Thanksgiving (Dilly plans revenge on Nicole)
- Santa Blaze Helps Dilly
- Blaze, The Ladies Man
- Never Mock a Clown
- Home From The Desert
- The Twilight Zone Road Trip
- Dream Another Dream, This Dream Is Over. (Stu feels his pain)
- A Rough Day (especially for Officer Blaze)
- Stu Rides Again!
- Blaze and The Giant Jack O' Lantern (Halloween Episode)
- Dilly Speaks His Mind
- Nicole Breaks It Off Part 2 - Narrated by Officer Blaze
- Nicole Breaks It Off
- Dilly The Poor Sport
- Escape To The Bar
- Blaze Refs In The NFL
- Spiritual Blaze
- Oops Blaze Did It Again
- Knock Knock
- Blaze Loses By a Bunch
- Dilly The Scape Goat
- Truth or Dare ( WIth Fringe Benefits)
- The Great Deblaze
- Blaze In 2020
- Bad Day At Work
- In The Dog House
- Boys Week In Baja
- Bongs, Bribes, & Blaze
- Caught In a Lie
- Girls Night Out
- A Day Of Remembering "The 9/11 Episode"
- Opening Day For Football
- Girl Talk
- Blaze The International Joke
- Double Date
- Shenanigans & Blaze
- First Date (Not Blaze Again)
- Two Conversations Are Better Than One
- New Girl In Town (Pt 3)
- New Girl In Town (Pt 2)
- New Girl In Town
- Has It Been That Long Dilly?
- Two and a Half Guys
- Misguided Blaze
- Dancin' Blaze Are Here Again
- Mistaken Identity
- Dilly & Denise Are In Love
- Blaze Visits The Beach
- Bad Luck Blaze Rides Again
- Talking Monty Python
- Officer Blaze and His D&D Boycott
- Officer Blaze & Stu Have an Intelligent Conversation
- Dilly Watches TV With The Dillys
- Dilly Lands a New Job (A Graphic Designer)
- Dilly's Neighbor Passes Away
- Officer Blaze vs a Stop Sign
- Down At The Comic Book Store
- Dilly Drives a Stereo
- Blaze Takes a Bath
- The Morning After 4th of July
- Happy 4th of July (except for Officer Blaze)
- Blaze's Unwelcoming Home
- Where's Blaze & Phelan ( Final Episode w/Phelan)
- Good Bye Phelan
- Denise The Heroine
- Denise's Past Has Returned
- Dilly Blue
- Circus TIme! Part II (The Father's Day Episode)
- Circus TIme!
- Dilly, Blaze, & An Uneventful Conversation
- Dilly Feels Better, Blaze & Phelan Sibling Rivalry
- Dilly Struggles With It All
- The First Encounter of Phelan & Denise
- Dilly Dilly Dilly! (The 100th Episode)
- The Wrath of Phelan
- Stu Gets an Unpleasant Surprise
- Dilly & Stu Honor The Fallen (The Special Memorial Day Episode)
- Who Saw This Coming?
- Dilly & Stu Hangin'
- Dilly Meets a French Beauty (Denise Isn't Happy About It)
- Blaze Meets His Match
- Here Comes Phelan
- Mother's Day
- Dilly Has a Melt down
- Dilly Makes His Point
- Blaze Is In Hot Water
- Dilly's Delinquent Tax Refund
- Dilly Tells Stu His Lifetime Goal
- Dilly Quits His Job
- Officer Blaze vs The Dog
- Grease Monkey Stu
- Easter at The Boardwalk
- Blaze The Mooch
- Dilly's Takes a Stand
- Dilly's Nightmare
- Dilly & Stu Stop The Madness
- Denise is Traumatized
- Blaze & The Doo Wop Hangover
- The Blazey Four
- Why Is Stu Wearing Sunglasses In The Rain?
- The Laughing Blaze
- Stu Gives Dilly A Wake Up Call
- One Beer & A Blaze Please
- Denise, Stu, & Blaze, Where's Dilly?
- Reflection of The Present
- Dilly Hates His Boss
- Dilly Gets a New Job
- Do They Know It's St.Patrick's Day?
- The Dilly & Denise Encounter
- Physical Blaze
- The Effects of Daylight Savings Time
- Dilly is Depressed
- Blaze Getting Ready for The Big Gig
- Karaoke Blaze (60th Episode)
- Tax Man Cometh For Blaze
- Stu's New Ride
- Cars, Waves, & Blaze
- The Voice of Reason
- Television Time For Blaze
- Blaze on The Rocks
- Heartbroken Dilly
- The Super Bowl (Special Edition Episode)
- Clubbing It Dilly, Stu, & Blaze Style
- The Boardwalk Talk
- Blaze's Groupies
- Home Sweet Home
- Bad News Blaze
- Blaze Foils a Museum Heist
- Reno (Pt 3)
- Reno (Pt 2)
- Blaze Doesn't Tell Denise
- Reno (Pt 1)
- And They're Off!
- Dilly & The Post Breakup ( Pt 2)
- Dilly & The Post Breakup
- The Breakup
- New Years Eve
- Denise and The New Years Booze Run
- Denise Drops The Suggestion
- Dilly Gets Laid off From His Job
- Dilly Loves His Football Team
- Denise Visits Santa at The Mall (and Surprise)!
- Time for Dungeons & Dragons (Guess The Dungeon Master)
- Dilly's Monologue As Told By Denise
- Thanksgiving Pt 2
- Thanksgiving Pt 1
- Dilly Is Ready For Football
- Officer Blaze Interrogates a Dog
- Dilly The Comic Book Guru (Denise is not impressed)
- Hallows Eve
- Dilly Learns Something From PBS
- Stu Is All Alone
- Dilly & Denise's Date Is a Blaze
- Officer Blaze Has a Hallucination
- Denise Is Upset With Dilly
- Blaze Isn't Good With Names
- Denise Doesn't Respect Officer Blaze
- A Fire Hydrant Is Blaze's Best Friend
- Dilly Goes Apartment Hunting Online
- Dilly The Drummer
- Blaze Gets Chewed Out By His Superior
- Blaze Blazes on The Job
- Dilly's 67' El Camino
- Officer Blaze Gets Buried In The Sand
- Stu & Blaze At The Comic Book Store
- Dilly Gets a Bombshell Drop
- Blaze Gets Disrespected
- Here's Officer Blaze
- The Paranoia of Officer Blaze
- The Wisdom Of Officer Blaze
- High Tide At The Beach
- Officer Blaze Can Read
- Denise makes an advance on Dilly
Denise makes an advance on Dilly
dillycomics on Aug. 20, 2018
HawkandFloAdventures at 2:40PM, Oct. 8, 2022
Nice to see a woman being confident enough to make the first move
ShadowGamer at 12:40PM, Feb. 24, 2021
Great comic, I love the art style
dillycomics at 1:03AM, Nov. 6, 2021
Thank you, I appreciate the complement and the support.
dotcrossbuns at 7:54PM, Sept. 15, 2019
It looks like you have one or two drawings of each character and you reuse them for every panel that person appears in. Some copying and pasting is fine, but doing it this much severely reduces the available poses and expressions, and it makes it harder to improve.
davidxolukoga at 9:03AM, May 16, 2021
Me too😩