Chapter 3 -- Issue 6 -- Page 16

darrell on Feb. 28, 2011

DONE! Yep, finished drawing the last page of Amanda's story last night and then did the lettering. So here's the plan: The remaining pages of Divine Leap and Divine Leap: Amanda will go up Wednesday/tomorrow/March 2nd night. So they'll be here waiting for you Thursday morning (or whenever you get around to it). And don't worry about spoilers (with DrunkDuck defaulting to the last page updated) because the last page of each contains no spoilers.

alejkhan - You're one to talk. How many comics are you working on now? ;) I have noticed I'm getting things done rather quickly. Not sure if I'm just rushing it or these last few pages were a bit easier than most. Though after the first few pages of this issue the later ones were bound to seem easier.

ghostrunner - I'm now wondering if the portal is male or female…

Peipei - Thanks! Looking forward to seeing what you all have to say about the final few pages.

I am Candyman - Thanks!