Dome Busta #0
that kid yellow on Oct. 19, 2008
Wish i never took down this comic but i did…but now its time to put it back out there hope ya'll enjoy. by the way this comic was done about amlost 2years im working on a big project hopefully i can show ya'll……stay tone
demontales at 6:08AM, Sept. 13, 2009
Sick cover, awesome
Rustychipmunk at 11:18AM, Aug. 12, 2009
This looks crazy. I will enjoy this.
Graphictruth at 4:32PM, July 3, 2009
WEll, this looks interesting...
riffguru at 10:21PM, March 4, 2009
Comic looks awesome! I am 'faving it'.
legendkiller13 at 6:05PM, Dec. 21, 2008
i never understood why you took it down. are you adding anything new to this or is it just what was up before?
ryan23 at 3:20PM, Oct. 21, 2008
nice design man, your color work well with your drawing
cyberdog at 3:59PM, Oct. 20, 2008
Hell yeah, looks cool. I'll keep my eyes on this one.
that kid yellow at 6:58AM, Oct. 20, 2008
lol what up guys im baaack ...... RushtonCygnus: well what is bascially going on is that they are basically falling down and my main character Kidd is holding a go go dancer and his best friend the rabbit is holding on for dear life poor guy
Peipei at 2:09AM, Oct. 20, 2008
Welcome back :)
RushtonCygnus at 1:22AM, Oct. 20, 2008
I don't know whats going on in that picture but it looks wild.