Filler/ Comic Sample Page 2
MaiChan on Sept. 24, 2008
Okay this will be the last sample of the one-shot manga that i am working on, then i will focus on the main story ‘Drama Queen Yuri’ and well, if you guys are interested in my one-shot, then you guys will just have to buy it for $2.50 from me (don't worry, S+H will not be included in the payment).
IMPORTANT! - i'm still preparing the one-shot so that comixpress can print it so give me at least three weeks til the printing is done. Also my little groups mangaka name is ‘Panboomanga’ and we will be launching soon. Sadly we don't have a website yet but soon we will.
Anyway, it has a total of 16 pages. The story itself is 14 pages plus 2 pages filled with extras. IQ me if u r interested, so i can get a good number of how many prints i need to order. If a lot of you guys can't aford the 2.50 then i'll find a way to put it up on-line…maybe.
Damn…this is long. X(
Midoshi at 7:53PM, Aug. 27, 2011
it was very cute, too bad it seems like you have stopped drawing
Flamingbunz at 9:04AM, Jan. 18, 2010
blahh! I really love your art and uhh toning haha my mind just went blank for a second. DD is a great place :D I lov it more than SJ nao XD I'm 'magik girl' in Smackjeeves, if u dont know haha:) I stalking u at SJ AND Drunkduck ;) FEEL THE STALKER LOVEEEE!
Gabe Puratekuta at 7:21PM, May 8, 2009
Very cute! ^^
Cross at 8:36PM, Jan. 2, 2009
;-; your art is soooo pretty.
HiNaTa_fan_13 at 9:05AM, Dec. 25, 2008
Me likee. I've seen yoai, hentai, and now yuri...They're all great!
Atelier aqua at 1:40AM, Oct. 12, 2008
My yuri comic only has story going for it, but you have story AND art you can brag about! Also, could you drop me a PQ once you and your friends start your website? :)
The Satoshi at 9:46PM, Oct. 1, 2008
It did confuse me a bit... but sense I read your comment know I get it!! I can't wait to see more!!