rainbows on March 11, 2007
Okay not much to say. This is Aiden. The first three chapters are gonna be about him mainly. Will upload the rest of the characters sometime this week.
Fyi: This comic is draw by my friend Aiden(go figure) and Written by me Atoll.
LotusQueen at 9:14PM, May 6, 2010
DarkChibiShadow at 3:29PM, June 15, 2007
Me like.
Kristen Gudsnuk at 7:25PM, April 1, 2007
OOOh I love his character design!!! (his hair looks a little like King's from my comic ^_^) is aiden a zombie, though? (the stitches on his mouth make me think so, hehe!) nice style! I can't wait for the comic itself, woohoo!
Evil_Snuffkin at 7:15AM, March 20, 2007
Aww, cute