CHAPTER 2 - The Beginning of the Nightmare

Erulisse on Sept. 1, 2010

I'll talk a bit before the next chapter :3
One, I wish Chapter 1 had been longer XD But it took all the room it needed to. Thank you very much for staying with me until now *heart* Your patience is amazing. I hope you like the comic, in the future as well~
Two, comment, comment! Comments make me very very happy X3 Reading them encourages me to keep working hard~! *victory pose*
Three: Despite the art style, this is not going to be a BL manga. NOT. So you can be hopeful and you can ship if you want but it isn't, nomatter what my art looks like. I KNOW what my art style looks like, and I wish it wasn't a type of style that says “yaoi” to anyone who reads a lot of manga, because I like styles of this sort…. sorry. ^^;