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Freux on March 24, 2007
Here! I made a brand new comic just for this war thing. Will be updated when I can get around to it. :P
Poul at 3:43PM, July 11, 2008
hrist at 5:24PM, July 2, 2007
Nikai Nockturne at 5:36PM, April 3, 2007
Cool...This deserves more than a 5.
Friedenmann at 1:50AM, March 29, 2007
Why not with scissors? Bill Gates mentions axes only. (Well, I hope that it wasn't to Axemen of Zest, cause I would lose my tool of trade^^)
Kadiro_Kapira at 7:11AM, March 27, 2007
Do NOT run with those scissors!!!
Dockworker at 7:00AM, March 27, 2007
Carefull with those scissors. CAREFULL!!
poncho at 2:06AM, March 27, 2007
thats really cool
Glarg at 6:54PM, March 26, 2007
Glarg is Pleased
Azaeziel at 3:08PM, March 26, 2007
Love this one! Can't wait to see more!
MrRiot at 11:52AM, March 26, 2007
It's like a cute angel of DOOM!
PinkDiapers at 4:15AM, March 26, 2007
soo cool.
Persephone at 8:45PM, March 25, 2007
ew. it's freux :D
mechanical_lullaby at 4:06AM, March 25, 2007
It's not strange! It's adorable! It made me squeeee!
Kristen Gudsnuk at 2:25AM, March 25, 2007
aaah she is so cute! in the fiery, angry way :3 *has a strange perception of 'cute'*
Zac at 12:37AM, March 25, 2007
I love this Character design x100
Poul at 3:43PM, July 11, 2008
hrist at 5:24PM, July 2, 2007
Nikai Nockturne at 5:36PM, April 3, 2007
Cool...This deserves more than a 5.
Friedenmann at 1:50AM, March 29, 2007
Why not with scissors? Bill Gates mentions axes only. (Well, I hope that it wasn't to Axemen of Zest, cause I would lose my tool of trade^^)
Kadiro_Kapira at 7:11AM, March 27, 2007
Do NOT run with those scissors!!!
Dockworker at 7:00AM, March 27, 2007
Carefull with those scissors. CAREFULL!!
poncho at 2:06AM, March 27, 2007
thats really cool
Glarg at 6:54PM, March 26, 2007
Glarg is Pleased
Azaeziel at 3:08PM, March 26, 2007
Love this one! Can't wait to see more!
MrRiot at 11:52AM, March 26, 2007
It's like a cute angel of DOOM!
PinkDiapers at 4:15AM, March 26, 2007
soo cool.
Persephone at 8:45PM, March 25, 2007
ew. it's freux :D
mechanical_lullaby at 4:06AM, March 25, 2007
It's not strange! It's adorable! It made me squeeee!
Kristen Gudsnuk at 2:25AM, March 25, 2007
aaah she is so cute! in the fiery, angry way :3 *has a strange perception of 'cute'*
Zac at 12:37AM, March 25, 2007
I love this Character design x100