Lady Fight: Agression Cover

mattchee on Feb. 9, 2010

Hey all… I guess I couldn't keep away from posting for too long! Ha!

Anyhow, I thought this cover would be appropriate to share with y'all. As you may know these Explosion Proof shorts are part of a series of print anthologies that feature action stories with female leads. This most recent story appears in the third issue, which should be available in March. So, starting with issue #2 we've been featuring one character prominently on the cover. This time it happens to be EePee! So here it is.

Artwork is by the fantastic Robert Nix, whom I wish I had a link to send you to more of his art, unfortunately, I do not. He also did the cover to #2 and may be working with a writer friend of mine on a story for a Sci-Fi anthology we're putting together. So… keep your eye on him!

I'm just now realizing that EePee was also 1/4th of the cover of Lady Fight #1, so I might post that here next week just for fun. Its always fun seeing your character interpreted by different artists.

Anyhow, that's it for this week… perhaps I will see you again next week!

Take care!
