47 - It's Over!
Inkmonkey on Jan. 22, 2006
Well, folks, I wish I could say I had more XDG. I suppose I'm at least lucky that I didn't leave in the middle of any kind of story arc, but there was still more I wanted to do with the series. Still, it had a good run, and a few people have enjoyed it. But the simple fact of the matter is that I don't play WoW anymore, and I don't particularly intend to pick it up again any time soon. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my look into the strange and mysterious world Blizzard has brought to us, and if nothing else I hope you laughed at the stupid goth jokes.
krrack_knut at 7:41PM, March 9, 2008
Well, All I Can Say, Is That I Did Laugh At The Goth Jokes. Ah... Good Times.
Randal at 9:50AM, Feb. 16, 2006
i think i'm the only person who hasn't played WoW
MadCat at 3:04PM, Jan. 31, 2006
I'd take over for you Shane but I'm afraid the sheer quality would cause your fans to have a stroke. -Boltstorm
nebasa at 3:11PM, Jan. 24, 2006
nothing to say
Aussie_kid at 8:58PM, Jan. 23, 2006
Damn, oh well. At least it's always here. Why not let some one who does play WoW take over (Not me, I've lost interest as well)