Overactive Imagination
Zerglingleader on Aug. 8, 2008
This is the debut comic of FORMATTED! I'm really excited about finally getting up my own comic site! it's truly a great moment for me, but it sucks because now I'll have to actually update. I met Scott Ramsoomair this weekend at Otakon, and he referred me to this website. I really hope that this comic gets some notice. It's been up on Deviant Art for months and like, SIX people even know it exists. so I really hope everyone at Drunk Duck likes Formatted. Enjoy!
Aghammer at 1:25PM, Aug. 15, 2008
Oops... HA. I hate when that happens!
Zerglingleader at 10:55AM, Aug. 11, 2008
YAY! Comments! You two just made my day. Awesome! I'm so happy I'm going to post another comic.
Product Placement at 10:51AM, Aug. 11, 2008
That's cute. Real cute. Disturbing but cute.
Tashna at 7:41AM, Aug. 11, 2008
If I could do that, I'd be sooo happy...