The last comic was about me putting more effort into the backrounds,and this one doesn't have any! I know, it was a bit rushed, I'm sorry. I don't want to have to explain the joke, but it is a play on words. Oh, and Thor is back, didja miss him? Thor and Hec work out together, but they are really not all that close. Mostly because Thor is a bit of a dick.
Discovered this comic and read through the archive last night. I didn't get this joke at first, but I re-read this page now after I've had some sleep and now I get it. Lol.
Anyway, I really like this comic and I hope that you will make more of it. The fact it hasn't been updated since February slightly worries me, but I realize that me complaining about schedule slips is definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black...
Just read the archives. I quite like it, making fun, er, I mean, viewing religion/deities in such a lighthearted comical way makes me happy. Congratulations.
If there is a God, As was mentioned earlier, It probably has a sense of humour.
Peren at 7:09AM, Jan. 4, 2011
I guess you aren't doing this comic anymore? Well, Imma gonna keep it a favorite anyway, hoping that someday an update appears. Because it's great.
Sahrimnir at 7:10AM, Nov. 8, 2010
Discovered this comic and read through the archive last night. I didn't get this joke at first, but I re-read this page now after I've had some sleep and now I get it. Lol. Anyway, I really like this comic and I hope that you will make more of it. The fact it hasn't been updated since February slightly worries me, but I realize that me complaining about schedule slips is definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black...
Canuovea at 12:45AM, Aug. 11, 2010
Just read the archives. I quite like it, making fun, er, I mean, viewing religion/deities in such a lighthearted comical way makes me happy. Congratulations. If there is a God, As was mentioned earlier, It probably has a sense of humour.
Niccea at 9:35AM, Feb. 9, 2010
Snirk. Took me two reads but I got the joke. I won't spoil it for everyone else though.