you should make fun of god of war like a lot of people do. AS far as I can tell you would be the only one making fun of God of War. However I do warn you that if you aren't damn near hilarious you will be ridiculed because it is a very abstract idea to make fun of that game, since its rather crafted to fix that fact but w.e
Amazo3xt at 8:12PM, Aug. 27, 2009
You're an ass for wasting space with this dreck. this is why this place blows enough with the sprite comics and quarky garbage.
Raffaele_Ienco at 11:45PM, July 4, 2008
Why don't you find some screenshots of the game and then put your own crazy captions on 'em?
Unwinder at 5:37PM, Oct. 18, 2007
You're um...You're supposed to post things that you make, not things that you find.
eyesoftheblackk at 5:30PM, Oct. 18, 2007
you should make fun of god of war like a lot of people do. AS far as I can tell you would be the only one making fun of God of War. However I do warn you that if you aren't damn near hilarious you will be ridiculed because it is a very abstract idea to make fun of that game, since its rather crafted to fix that fact but w.e
Litindir at 12:45PM, Oct. 18, 2007
I'd like to give you an idea, but I can't come up with one just like that... Should I get one, I'll be back!