Dream with little angels. (Ch. 3 Pg. 6)

taradaga on Feb. 2, 2009

Hoo! This page was a breeze compared to pg. 31. I'm quite happy with it, but the entire time I was like “nrrghh, nrgghhh, I want to be drawing the NEXT page.” Yup. I'm impatient.

I might actually have to be … social … soon, so I don't know 100% when the next page will be up. Soon.

Also, while I was making this page I had a nap (part of the creative process) and I had this INSANELY CREEPY dream that was a retelling of Spencer's past. His past is creepy enough, but this dream took it to a whole other level. Oh man! Let me tell you, it was pretty crazy! You just have to trust me on this.