LOLZ I got sorta grounded so I drew this on paper. xD Sorry for shitty chapter end but I REALLY FELT LIKE getting on with the FUN parts of the story. ;D Enough intro now.
WELL YEAAH NEV I just hate erasing stuff on paper cuz IT ALWAYS LEAVES MARKS D': I'm annoyed at liek, shitloads of faults that I just leave there xD;; I just wanna get on with teh fun parts. :C
...but I'm grounded. OSHI---
LilRewindGrl at 3:16PM, March 18, 2010
i love this comic, please continue(:
Lexxorodius at 12:45AM, Jan. 28, 2009
Imperial at 12:22AM, Dec. 23, 2008
Farah at 11:53PM, Dec. 14, 2008
The last panel looks great. :)
herio at 1:56AM, Sept. 8, 2008
i like this comic good work
Cawey at 5:35AM, July 12, 2008
WELL YEAAH NEV I just hate erasing stuff on paper cuz IT ALWAYS LEAVES MARKS D': I'm annoyed at liek, shitloads of faults that I just leave there xD;; I just wanna get on with teh fun parts. :C ...but I'm grounded. OSHI---
Neverstorm at 11:47AM, July 2, 2008
Kei sure have small hands. O: Rawking comic though
Dchao at 12:46PM, June 24, 2008
Walrus at 7:08AM, June 24, 2008
Nice art.
Kinuchio at 10:11PM, June 23, 2008
Panels 4 and 5 rawk, Cawey. (specially' 5 That pose is pwnsome.)