TEST: "Just a Teaser and a Test..."

Ninja Krow on Aug. 24, 2007

This is a Quick and Dirty Comic Book Cover I built for a kit I'm working on. This is Normal the size of the Woking page… I tried uploading the Double sized page, but it was “HOLY HUGE!” very large.

What you see here is actully the size of a Comic Book folded. and is 477x738px (72dpi)

Notice the MATURE Rating in the Upper Left “SPOT” area of image.

PLEASE NOTE: there is no such person as Lance McGavin that I know of. I just plugged in a name I came up with off the top of my head. I think I was thinking about a buddie of mine named Lance and The hero character from MrRiot's “The Path” at the time. LOL…

See Riot… I'm Plugging…

Well take care Yall…