Ya... Super Shroom did inspire me.... in some ways.... but what really inspired me was these flash movies by Alvin Earthworm. And not just that, i was also inspired by this Indian movie called Don. Yes, I am an Indian from India, not a first nations Indian. And no.... I won't bomb you or anything..... I'm not a Muslim.... I'm a Sikh.... no offense to any Muslims out there, but a lot of people mix up Sikhs with Muslims.
xaxelx at 4:53PM, April 23, 2010
Damn... I just never get tired of this cover. It's so... Captivating. :l
Kaolyne at 5:03AM, April 5, 2009
Is this going to include lots of gunshooting moments?
poonipoonz at 6:35PM, July 7, 2008
Yeah, I drew it. :D
xaxelx at 6:28PM, July 7, 2008
Uhm, did you draw that??? If you did, that's just freakin' great.
jatt_monk at 10:10PM, Jan. 2, 2008
Yo I'm Indian too. Plus the comic looks great. Keep up the good work.
poonipoonz at 9:11PM, Dec. 30, 2007
Ya... Super Shroom did inspire me.... in some ways.... but what really inspired me was these flash movies by Alvin Earthworm. And not just that, i was also inspired by this Indian movie called Don. Yes, I am an Indian from India, not a first nations Indian. And no.... I won't bomb you or anything..... I'm not a Muslim.... I'm a Sikh.... no offense to any Muslims out there, but a lot of people mix up Sikhs with Muslims.
Cylanther at 6:42PM, Dec. 30, 2007
Nice. Looks like this was inspired by Super Shroom. Yay!!!
poonipoonz at 5:53PM, Dec. 30, 2007
Ya I can draw, but I'm not awesome at it.
Seelinkrun11 at 4:59PM, Dec. 30, 2007
Cool, I didn't know u could draw! 80