Wow Man
jasonspringer on Sept. 2, 2006
It's been a while since I've been Drunk Ducked.
Things have changed a bit.
Just a heads up on my status for anyone who still cares. I rexcently got published in an English mag called Imagine FX. WIth all the free time I've had from not doing the Jade Revolver I submited some work.
Best wishes to everyone who read the Jade Revolver for it's short Internet life span. I'm focusing now on writing it and trying to get it published nationally as a graphic novel.
Feel free to email me anytime. (subject: Jade Revolver)
The mediocre one at 1:32PM, Sept. 3, 2006
Awesome job, man! Good luck with everything. If I ever see it, I'll definitley pick it up.
Terminal at 12:09PM, Sept. 3, 2006
Congrats on the article! The first picture is amazing. I missed this comic, [i]man[/i]. By this time I'd given up hope that [i]Revolver[/i] would ever update again. At least you updated and told us what's up. When it becomes a Graphic Novel, I'll be sure to buy it.