Nice inking and page layout! My spanish is limited, but I think I got the jist of some of he just met the princess and he's going on an important mission...maybe?
Since I don't speak Spanish, that leaves more time to admire your AMAZING book! Great design and I wish I had that much discipline when it comes to inking. But when I try reading it, all I can say to myself is "ÿQue?"
Szyszka666 at 1:04PM, Dec. 14, 2014
Wow! Amazing art skills :) Unfortunately I don't understand much :( But I'm definitely giving this a 'like' !
D0m at 3:08PM, Feb. 19, 2008
Very sharp art. My only problem is that the file is huge...
Jemelis at 6:35PM, May 10, 2007
Nice inking and page layout! My spanish is limited, but I think I got the jist of some of he just met the princess and he's going on an important mission...maybe? Cool.
subcultured at 8:46AM, April 27, 2007
i am impressed with your inking skills
Eunice P at 5:47AM, April 24, 2007
Your comic art rocks. But I don't understand a single word though. XD
Kristen Gudsnuk at 4:01AM, April 23, 2007
Esta página es la raja!
ZoeStead at 2:26AM, April 17, 2007
Amazing work!
herio at 2:37PM, April 15, 2007
good work
Rockster1039 at 12:09PM, April 14, 2007
que fabulosa. me encantan tu....comic? sorry, i'm only in spanish II, but i do love it!
corytheterrible at 9:06AM, April 14, 2007
Since I don't speak Spanish, that leaves more time to admire your AMAZING book! Great design and I wish I had that much discipline when it comes to inking. But when I try reading it, all I can say to myself is "ÿQue?"
steve_sloan at 6:50PM, April 10, 2007
Wow! I need to brush up on my Espanol. But the art is outstanding. I've faved it!
MrGranger at 4:12PM, April 10, 2007
áMaravilloso! áY puesto que mi esposa dice que mi español aspira esto es una gran manera para que practique! Amo ambos sus tebeos.
F_Allen at 4:02PM, April 10, 2007
yeah beautiful art
Alexis at 3:25PM, April 10, 2007
Yeah, 'fraid I can't read it, but the art sure caught my eye!
Antionestrife at 3:17PM, April 10, 2007
Very good pictures you have there. It's ashame I haven't studied es esponal in like... forever! Good work though.