Far too long...

Azaeziel on July 22, 2009

Whee! I'm at Comic-Con International right now! I'm actually typing this on Sunday, so this is once again a glimpse of the future written in the past. Ohhhhh… Ghosts of the Future! hehehhe…

Anyway, not much going on here other then CCI. If you are there, feel free to stop by the GRT desk and tell them to say hi to me for you. I won't be at the desk, but they know me. Bring cheeze.

Thank you for once again reading Karen the Marilith. I know my update schedule is now only twice a month, and that is kinda long between pages I feel, but it's the best I can do right now. That big wedding disruption is over and life is starting to settle back down again, but I may soon be moving, and that might affect my schedule again. I hope not (the disruption, the move would be fantabulous) but I'll have to see. I can only predict the future in small amounts.

Hope you are having a wonderful week, and see you next update!