Housebroken II #073

ShadigoXPossible on Jan. 27, 2008

yes, this is NOT a Kim Im-Possible, however if you read the latest one - you might understand why this is here…

Housebroken II was the last comic I did before taking up Kim Im-Possible. I had an archive somewhere but it was deleted. For some reason I had kept this one (an Animated GIF - it was all the rage at the time ¬¬') Thw story line from i think about #070 was going to be a parody of A Sitch In Time. But I lost interest in doing the plotline (like the transition between KIP #049 - #050), and thus I never finished the comic. Only two of the original cast still exist in the Ki-P world: Shadi and Kari. Everyone else has been erased from history.