keithmccleary on April 17, 2008
Hey readers – long time, no KTQ.
Well, you may have heard this already, but KTQ is now a real honest-to-god comic book published by Terminal Press. It's got everything here (although I may start pulling down the archives; I'm still pondering that) plus a brand new story IN CHINESE. Chinese, motherfucker!
I am hardcore.
You can buy your very own copy over at, or visit me at the conventions I'll be at this summer. Our first stop is NYC Comic Con, Apr 18th-20th. That's this weekend! We're at booth #1906, and I'll be signing books and selling shirts (did I mention we also have shirts?) all three days. Find out more at
Meanwhile, check out the new cover! It's by me and TP artist NArek Gevorgian. Hope to see you this summer, and for future updates about other conventions please email me at and I'll add you to our mailing list.