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Joff on April 6, 2006
Damn that slip of the tongue..
Willow wind Sylph at 3:08PM, Sept. 2, 2012
don't piss off a unicorn, unless you like the idea of being impaled on a horse's forehead.
Elkian at 4:32PM, Jan. 18, 2009
now he's not just death, he's insensitive death!
MrSmegheneghan at 6:23AM, June 8, 2007
you'd have to apologise if you got a unicorn angry at you...
bobo_81 at 1:07PM, April 9, 2006
Bah! Death apologises to no man...err...animal.
subcultured at 3:32PM, April 8, 2006
hahaha that pause is great
WayneEnterprise at 9:21AM, April 8, 2006
a horse with a tooth pic, what else can one want?
yroopwmxmilsaygcwifeuh at 9:17AM, April 8, 2006
LOL I love this comic!! Tis brilliant... XD
Roy at 7:54AM, April 8, 2006
UNIHORSE! or...otherwise known as a unicorn :)
ZoeStead at 2:45AM, April 8, 2006
Steve only ever has one thing on his mind...and it's not reaping!
DMFox at 3:53PM, April 7, 2006
well I guess he couldn't say "I'm starving to death"
Holyknight at 3:50PM, April 7, 2006
if you eat that horse, your stomach will be opened by its horn
nighthawk41 at 3:31PM, April 7, 2006
Heh... That horse is horny...
CrazySOB at 3:09PM, April 7, 2006
Yeah, say that too.
magickmaker at 2:40PM, April 7, 2006
How did the unicorn die? It looks rolled flat. Maybe a stearoller hit it.
Jakob at 2:28PM, April 7, 2006
You feel a little stupid now huh, Steve?
WhiteJet at 2:03PM, April 7, 2006
Do skeletons feel pain? If so, I feel sorry for Steve.
nighthawk41 at 12:15PM, April 7, 2006
Heh. That was good.
timlight at 11:29AM, April 7, 2006 there's a uni! an extinct uni ^^
Daf42 at 10:49AM, April 7, 2006
Im hungry too
confusedsoul at 8:24AM, April 7, 2006
Shouldn't eat horses, they'll fatten Steve up.
rathboma at 5:14AM, April 7, 2006
And yet we'll never find out if he actually ate him.....
Dark_Maniac at 4:11AM, April 7, 2006
Steve shouldn't mess with the unicorn. Trust me on this.
Kagomas at 4:00AM, April 7, 2006
How much horsepower does a unicorn have?
Wolfy at 3:44AM, April 7, 2006
I'm slightly surprised that he apologised. =P
Smaza2 at 3:09AM, April 7, 2006
UNICORN! Theve got horns. The devils of horses! MWUHAHAHAHA! ... My tounge slipped on soap once.
Willow wind Sylph at 3:08PM, Sept. 2, 2012
don't piss off a unicorn, unless you like the idea of being impaled on a horse's forehead.
Elkian at 4:32PM, Jan. 18, 2009
now he's not just death, he's insensitive death!
MrSmegheneghan at 6:23AM, June 8, 2007
you'd have to apologise if you got a unicorn angry at you...
bobo_81 at 1:07PM, April 9, 2006
Bah! Death apologises to no man...err...animal.
subcultured at 3:32PM, April 8, 2006
hahaha that pause is great
WayneEnterprise at 9:21AM, April 8, 2006
a horse with a tooth pic, what else can one want?
yroopwmxmilsaygcwifeuh at 9:17AM, April 8, 2006
LOL I love this comic!! Tis brilliant... XD
Roy at 7:54AM, April 8, 2006
UNIHORSE! or...otherwise known as a unicorn :)
ZoeStead at 2:45AM, April 8, 2006
Steve only ever has one thing on his mind...and it's not reaping!
DMFox at 3:53PM, April 7, 2006
well I guess he couldn't say "I'm starving to death"
Holyknight at 3:50PM, April 7, 2006
if you eat that horse, your stomach will be opened by its horn
nighthawk41 at 3:31PM, April 7, 2006
Heh... That horse is horny...
CrazySOB at 3:09PM, April 7, 2006
Yeah, say that too.
magickmaker at 2:40PM, April 7, 2006
How did the unicorn die? It looks rolled flat. Maybe a stearoller hit it.
Jakob at 2:28PM, April 7, 2006
You feel a little stupid now huh, Steve?
WhiteJet at 2:03PM, April 7, 2006
Do skeletons feel pain? If so, I feel sorry for Steve.
nighthawk41 at 12:15PM, April 7, 2006
Heh. That was good.
timlight at 11:29AM, April 7, 2006 there's a uni! an extinct uni ^^
Daf42 at 10:49AM, April 7, 2006
Im hungry too
confusedsoul at 8:24AM, April 7, 2006
Shouldn't eat horses, they'll fatten Steve up.
rathboma at 5:14AM, April 7, 2006
And yet we'll never find out if he actually ate him.....
Dark_Maniac at 4:11AM, April 7, 2006
Steve shouldn't mess with the unicorn. Trust me on this.
Kagomas at 4:00AM, April 7, 2006
How much horsepower does a unicorn have?
Wolfy at 3:44AM, April 7, 2006
I'm slightly surprised that he apologised. =P
Smaza2 at 3:09AM, April 7, 2006
UNICORN! Theve got horns. The devils of horses! MWUHAHAHAHA! ... My tounge slipped on soap once.