
Locoma on July 17, 2007

Wellllllll, once again I ran out of time. I'm a bit mad because of it so I'm gonna shut the hell up and start working on next week's update instead. All I can say about it is that I took in consideration frogman's, usedbook's and d0m's comments and I'm preparing something different. I'm still experimenting with it and I need more time. I was thinking on using acrylics for an entire update too.

about last week update: it wasn't my first time at photoshop at all, but it was the first Locoma page done 100% in photoshop. I've been using photoshop for a while now, but always to fix other things (photos, drawings… premade vector graphics). Just lately I'm trying to do the whole thing with it. This filler was made with photoshop too: http://www.drunkduck.com/Locoma/index.php?p=61871

Also, someone asked me to resend a PQ because the one he got from me was sort of deleted, so I'll list all the people I've PQed this week , ask for the PQ if you didn't get one from me:
tweebus, alejkhan, darrel, radec, lothar