[LafS] Chapter 1 - Page 3
Yaumi on Oct. 17, 2008
OMFGWTFBBQ UPDATE! 8''''D *lol* I think I'm starting to get a hang on this now… XD And it seems I'm a tiny bit faster with updates than I thought I would be…at least now. X'> Well, I hope you'll enjoy~ ;D Thanks for all the comments!
mackie at 4:42PM, Nov. 13, 2010
you should update :B
cecvove at 8:51AM, Oct. 8, 2009
updateeee!!!! pleace :]
iMimi at 10:42PM, May 30, 2009
She still updates on Smackjeeves otl.
kikikarichi at 4:35PM, April 11, 2009
plz update!!!
shino at 4:17PM, Jan. 26, 2009
nice art faved ^w^
cerablu at 12:58AM, Dec. 22, 2008
Is... is this comic abandoned forever? :( I really like the style of art.
Aero Gorath at 7:49AM, Nov. 27, 2008
This looks interesting, despite that there's only 5 pages so far ^^
chocolate_addict at 4:27AM, Nov. 20, 2008
just found this and I am in love with it :3 keep up the amazing work!! :) can't wait for more~
Trill Oridashu at 4:33PM, Oct. 19, 2008
ooohhh. I look forwards to seeing how this turns out
LuLuLullabye at 12:48PM, Oct. 19, 2008
Yay updates! This is exciting. I love new comics :D
altprom at 1:03PM, Oct. 18, 2008
oooh, flowers? from who? >3