Wyndegarde At Fat Lute Inn

Lonnehart on Feb. 16, 2008

Wyndegarde gets a place to stay too (she's been camping as well). And Minna's off to her classes. The building design of the inn will change over time as I'm not used to drawing complicated buildings.

I'll be using DD's native functions for the forums to this comic. You'll find the FORUM button at the very bottom of this page. All that's left is to figure out what topics I should put in there that fans of Magiversity would want to discuss. I guess it's nice to have nearly 200 pageviews as my daily average. :)

Did a search on Magiversity in Wikipedia out of boredom. While there's no article for it, a reference to it is found on the Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki article since Magiversity refences it (Minna's Melee Transformation). :)