Mangaijin!-colour break
Kriffix on Jan. 28, 2009
Hey guys!
Wow i haven't updated in 2 days now!!!
But that's because i was working on this here pic, i want to get better at Digicolouring and also get some colour art up in order to attract people who like shiny things haha.
I'll get to work on page 11 right away but no promise that it'll be up today, sorry!
Aghammer at 9:43PM, Jan. 29, 2009
wow... dude, that is awesome. I think I might hate, no, kidding... great art AND you great hair... life is good :D
Nergal at 3:40PM, Jan. 29, 2009
awesome colors
ShinuZero at 10:04AM, Jan. 29, 2009
Tcb at 9:27AM, Jan. 29, 2009
awesome o.o, that girls really cute!~
The Derkomai at 3:28AM, Jan. 29, 2009
Your work is beautiful, and looks like YOUR work.