? VS ?
ShadeNinja232 on April 2, 2008
I like how the split screen turned out in the end. It still isn't too late to send cameos. Post them here or on my Rememberance of the Past sprite showcase comic. I'll check it out. Second page of Fogotten Memories. Who are these mysterious new characters? Are they good, or evil, and why am I sounding so cheesy all of a sudden? Find out next- this is just too freakin' cheesy…
ShadeNinja232 at 9:52PM, Oct. 2, 2008
i quit DD a long time ago. I can't make a comic due to time, since i got like a shitload of tests almost every other day. sry
blackhook at 9:13AM, Sept. 5, 2008
Summerôs over....update?
ShadeNinja232 at 3:18PM, June 10, 2008
allow me to make a list of things to blame: 1.Summer 2.All of my saved sprites are a freakin slow comp from 2000 that's slower than the pace of this comic 3.Gunz, Soldierfront, you get the point. SRY
blackhook at 5:35AM, June 2, 2008
You should udpate, now this comic seems like a forgotten memory
ShadeNinja232 at 10:45PM, May 2, 2008
yeah. what I currently have of the black and gold guy is a mmz version. I need to convert it to a mmzx version.
blackhook at 7:43AM, April 26, 2008
You didnôt update, do you need some help
OverlordOptimusPrime at 6:22AM, April 13, 2008
don't worry other people are reading this! they're just...erm...erm...*runs off to gather a the homeless* don't have a computer!
JayX at 4:15PM, April 10, 2008
no Im reading just not commenting.
ShadeNinja232 at 3:47PM, April 8, 2008
dang it... only two people are reading this?
blackhook at 6:58AM, April 4, 2008
Who could the guy with the purple saber bee?:P
OverlordOptimusPrime at 4:42AM, April 4, 2008