Tetris has Betrayed Her
Marche on Nov. 30, 2006
The plot takes place before the original Metroid Game. In this comic Samus is captured, escapes, and trys to get revenge on Mother Brain for capturing her. Thats basicly it. Im not spoiling much at all.
Darth Xelleon at 12:32AM, June 29, 2012
*tap tap* Hello?
Marche at 3:38PM, Jan. 20, 2008
I'm done with this comic. If you didnt notice you posted about 1 year after this comic.
Tkail at 1:18PM, Jan. 3, 2008
keep going on i like it
MetroidMaster at 9:24AM, Dec. 30, 2006
hs5k at 1:35PM, Dec. 1, 2006
"Tetris betrayed me." ... that is just to funny. lol