0011 - Who's Who in Limbo
Roar Comics on Sept. 6, 2009
Bjorn, Quinn and Monroe get a little lost.
(Those IHOP bathrooms can be treacherous).
Looks like they're not to only ones.
Featuring a lotta webcomic folks who didn't take that left turn at Albuquerque, and found themselves in Limbo, which, for the purposes of my comic is the Nexus of All Realities.
(And you Marvelites thought it was Man-Thing!)
The cameos are as follows:
Back Row: Baala the demoness from the Webcomic, Pawn. Skull from PVP. “The Demon” from Friendly Hostility (whose real name is a long series of impronouncable symbols that, when spoken aloud cause nosebleeds in humans). the parallel universe version of Captain Heroic from Evil, Inc.
Lenny the Djinn from Accidental Centaurs.
Middle: Ayanah, Baala's partner from Pawn, Zortic from the comic of the same name. My own Stella and Celeste. And the Devil Phil from Living In Greytown.
Bottom Row: Jenny Everywhere, an open source comics character who has graced many a webcomic, and, being open source, is a permanent cast-member of many of them.
The 3 protagonists of Misfits of Mischief: Quinn A., Monroe C., and Bjorn L. (Mindmistress is between Monroe and Bjorn), and last but not least is Cassie Wells from the brilliant Times Like This.
Roar Comics at 12:06AM, Sept. 28, 2009
Thanks alschroeder and PyThomas! Glad you both approve! I will send a message out the next time I wish to feature cameos!
PyThomas at 7:00PM, Sept. 27, 2009
This ROCKS! Great job on Cassie! :D
alschroeder at 5:52PM, Sept. 17, 2009
Wow. Never can tell WHERE Mindmistress will show up. Well done! Expect a plug!---Al
Roar Comics at 8:16AM, Sept. 14, 2009
I aim to please.... as well as confound and frustrate.
Hogan at 1:42PM, Sept. 13, 2009
Oh, this is a really welldone piece of cameowork, with old and forgotten people added to the mix-up! :D ... too bad I have to chase you down for it!