A Christmas Card from Andreas Helixfinger

Andreas_Helixfinger on Dec. 20, 2020

I decided, right after giving Idfestation and Molly Lusc their final update this year 2020, to leave you dear readers with this little Christmas card that I threw together on the fly in the middle of the night, as I'm choosing this sunday to announce that I'll be off to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve, and so leave all these four comics on a little hiatus.

Updating will resume in the new year 2021 and I will even give you the dates for the next updates on all the comics.

Imsies the Imthology & Endtide - Sunday, Januari 10
Idfestation & Molly Lusc - Sunday, Januari 17

I also wanna give you a heads up that there may be a fifth installment popping up, before or after this hiatus elapses. It will however be a very, very different format from what you've seen so far, I'll just leave you with that.

Regardless, I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen here on Helixfinger Webcomics this year, and I hope you'll enjoy what is to come in the next.

Until then I wish you all happy holidays and a happy new year in advance. Stay healthy, fellow Ducklings👍