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Chaz McRich on May 3, 2008
Sing to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.
Chaz McRich at 10:29AM, March 28, 2010
/sigh I forgot how terrible this comic's basic premise was. Bleh feh meh.
Saillestraife at 7:06AM, Jan. 21, 2009
Pretty rainbow!
Italy inc at 12:11PM, May 28, 2008
Like seriously... I really will...
Italy inc at 12:16PM, May 27, 2008
If you want me to assisit i promise to keep this comic going =D
shortjokes at 1:31PM, May 18, 2008
this comic is hillarious
Chaz McRich at 1:04PM, May 14, 2008
No, I'll update soon.
Italy inc at 5:39PM, May 13, 2008
so id this comic dead?
Black Daisy at 7:31AM, May 5, 2008
*singing* Where blue birds fly.
Super Rage at 4:34PM, May 4, 2008
Miss Annoying at 3:36PM, May 4, 2008
cool rainbow! :P
Chaz McRich at 10:29AM, March 28, 2010
/sigh I forgot how terrible this comic's basic premise was. Bleh feh meh.
Saillestraife at 7:06AM, Jan. 21, 2009
Pretty rainbow!
Italy inc at 12:11PM, May 28, 2008
Like seriously... I really will...
Italy inc at 12:16PM, May 27, 2008
If you want me to assisit i promise to keep this comic going =D
shortjokes at 1:31PM, May 18, 2008
this comic is hillarious
Chaz McRich at 1:04PM, May 14, 2008
No, I'll update soon.
Italy inc at 5:39PM, May 13, 2008
so id this comic dead?
Black Daisy at 7:31AM, May 5, 2008
*singing* Where blue birds fly.
Super Rage at 4:34PM, May 4, 2008
Miss Annoying at 3:36PM, May 4, 2008
cool rainbow! :P