- 130) We know well what we raise
- 129) Clarissa Simone's religious shop (3) (#ad)
- 128) Clarissa Simone's religious shop (2) (#ad)
- 127) there ain't no such thing as a free miracle
- 126) Clarissa Simone's religious shop
- 125) Revelations vs Good News
- 124) Sunday morning, very early
- 123) the sleep of girls produces monsters
- 122) Monsternado!
- 121) when monsters collide
- 120) second attempt ......failed
- 119) second attempt
- 118) crossing the line
- 117) a forewarned mother is a forearmed mother
- 116) discretion and lesson
- 115) Prevention and indigestion
- 114) Resolution and conclusion
- 113) Piece of Fabric
- 112) Courage
- 111) Don't forget your friends?
- 110) Messages
- 109) Just to help
- 108) Available Space
- 107) Club
- 106) Coccyx
- 105) Rules
- 104) Fate
- 103) Because...
- 102) The oven
- 101) concentration (3)
- 100) the hundredth!!
- 99) concentration (2)
- 98) concentration
- 97) hunger
- 96) apologies
- 95b) Here, far (2/2)
- 95a) Here, far (1/2)
- 94) a few mundane alternatives to Hell:
- 93) it only gets worse
- 92) Incentive program
- 91) ''kiss me'', said the floor
- 90) The Second Commandment
- 89) Relocation
- 88) Good girls go to Heaven
- 87) Different (5)
- 86) Contagion (-1)
- 85) Paving a fruitful garden (2)
- 84) Paving a fruitful garden
- 83) Is this really necessary?
- 82) Practicality
- 81) Caos = Life
- 80) Symbiosis
- 79) A revelation
- 78) Mesmerizing
- 77) "For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed"
- 76) Run Rafael, Run!
- 75) Turning tables
- 74) (me neither)
- 73) If I catch you...
- 72) Luck
- 71) Creating necessities where there are none
- 70) Get out of the way!
- 69) Categories
- 68) Peace
- 67) Maze
- 66) XXX
- 65) .......
- 64) Create your own opportunities, don't leave it to chance
- 63) Dignity
- 62) Layers
- 61) Dry spell
- 60) "Carpe Diem", between bad quotation marks
- 59) Laugher is the best medicine. Medicine comes in doses.
- 58) Right ear = the nice things. Left ear = the bad things (2)
- 57) Some days we just can't cheer our friends up =/
- 56) Right ear = the nice things. Left ear = the bad things
- 55) Beyond the clouds
- 54) My little Klara: imagination is magic
- 53) Now...
- 52) Llittle highnesses
- 51) Landscape
- 50) Condemnations
- 49) Class: mammalia, order: rodentia
- 48) Luigi, poor little rich boy
- 47) This reminds me a joke
- 46) Guilty until proven innocent
- 45) Punishment (2)
- 44) Punishment
- 43) Borrowing things can be a problem
- 42) Status quo, the homecoming
- 41h) Maria's night (8/8)
- 41g) Maria's night (7/8)
- 41f) Maria's night (6/8)
- 41e) Maria's night (5/8)
- 41d) Maria's night (4/8)
- 41c) Maria's night (3/8)
- 41b) Maria's night (2/8)
- 41a) Maria's night (1/8)
- 40) like a starfish
- 39) Perrault revisited
- 38) Illuminating the shadows
- 37) Victims of our fears...
- 35) (~Ò_Ó)~
- 34) Nothing against you, but...
- 33) Stones with flavor
- 32) Prevention
- 31) Daddy
- 30) In this episode, we learned that:
- 29) But...
- 28) Resizing
- 27) New Toy
- 26) The Empire Strikes Back
- 25) Preparation
- 24) Klara's house
- 23) Maria's house
- 22) Innocence
- 21) Thumb tack
- 20) Mysteries
- 19) Grades
- 18) Northern Penitentiary For Luckless Children
- 17) Of contractions in raising
- 16) Blind(ed by) confidence
- 15) The blame in being the victim
- 14) Archangelo, the poor little rich boy (2)
- 13) Archangelo, the poor little rich boy
- 12) A Topping of Imagination
- 11) godtheshamegodtheshamegodtheshame
- 10) Fantasies
- 9) Insufficient Sampling
- 8) "No, You're still small"
- 7) Epidemic
- 6) Imaginary Line
- 5) Contagion
- 4) Different (4)
- 3) Different (3)
- 2) Different (2)
- 1) Different
1) Different
mushisan on June 14, 2015
Ok, I'm trying to make comic strips with my characteres, places and… my opinions. ^^ It's not a secret to anyone that I'm trying to write a book (since some years ago) (and thecharacter concepts even older XD ). Many ideas of this book came from comic books I've made for myself (they aren't “fit for human consumption”) and I thought it would be a good idea to bring back some characters to comics… But in stories that happened one year before the book. ^^ That's what I'll try to make here. To English speakers: sorry my bad English, is not my native language and I'm open to corrections. (“Please, point my mistakes”)
strixvanallen at 3:37PM, June 14, 2015
Welcome to The Duck! o/