Healer 26 FINAL
selfcentered on July 13, 2008
Yea this is the end. There was supposed be alot happening in the story like the smex and more cuddly stuff and some fights in the school and crap. But I'm no longer motivated to draw this comic anymore. I thank you all who read this up until now. Thank you.
j_azure90 at 11:05PM, Aug. 29, 2009
a shame u gave up on this comic i realli liked it and would hve loved to hve seen where ti went am sure peopl did reaad it and enjoyed it, cuz u talked about real issues but ur too hrd on urself, not always abt the art dude but what the comic is about. anyways hope to see mre of ur work sometime. tc x ps: great storyline...again :P
chocolate_addict at 4:14AM, July 31, 2008
This was a great story too bad it is over :( It was nice to see that your art style has significantly improved throught this comic :) *faved*